Welcome to Sherwood Oxley Anglican
St John's, California Road, Oxley
St Matthew's, corner Oxley & Sherwood Road, Sherwood
Child Protection

On this page are all the documents and links to training related to Child Protection
Policies Procedures and Training
This Policy applies to all ministry units within the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, except for St John’s College Within the University of Queensland, Anglicare, Anglican Schools and Education and Care Services.
A national code for personal behaviour and the practice of pastoral ministry by clergy and church workers
This Code is intended to identify those professional and personal behaviours which will
enable Diocesan staff, paid and unpaid, to serve the needs of others, including clients,
colleagues and the public. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to encourage the
commitment, contribution and development of each employee in striving to achieve best
practice and an exceptional quality of service.
Procedures for organizing High risk Activities for child and youth.
This is a link to the Diocese site with information about reporting, Abuse, Apologies, etc