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St. John's Oxley

8.00 am Sunday Service

Traditional Sung Communion

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Our Sunday Worship

St John’s Oxley as part of the Sherwood Anglican Parish enjoys a Holy Communion Service every Sunday morning, commencing at 8.00am.

The service is a traditional sung Communion Service following the format as set out in the Australian  Prayer Book.


Attendances vary according to individual circumstances. On average, approximately twenty Parishioners  regularly attend our weekly service.

St John’s prides itself on being a caring and loving Church, ensuring the health, wellbeing and happiness of all its Parishioners.

Frequently visitors comment on the Godly feeling and spiritual joy which is ever present in St John’s.

As an integral part of the Sherwood Parish, we attend most Parish functions and where possible involve ourselves in fund raising events.

 We extend a warm and cordial welcome to any and all new Parishioners and visitors.

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Phone : (07) 3379 3437
Email :
PO Box 107
Sherwood, QLD, 4075

  St. Matthew's Sherwood
  Crn Oxley Rd & Sherwood Rd, Sherwood
St John's Oxley
  California Rd, Oxley


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Anglican Parish of


BSB: 704-901

Account number: 00000730

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© Sherwood Anglican 2020

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